Disclaimer: All fact sheets and other resources are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. Additionally, the information does not create or intend to create a solicitor-client relationship between the reader and the Clinic.
Fact Sheets
These fact sheets have been drafted by the Clinic to provide general information pertaining to trademarks, patents and non-disclosure agreements.
Intellectual Property (IP)
Navigating the complexities of intellectual property can be difficult. These resources cover some of the key areas of IP. Whether you’re looking to proctor your brand, safeguard your proprietary information or secure your creative works, the resources listed below can help guide you effectively and ensure your innovations are protected.


ElevateIP is powered by Innovation Canada. The program provides up to $100,000 for IP strategy development and implementation.
Family Business
Family businesses, often run by multiple generations of the same family, face unique challenges and hurdles, yet offer a vast array of strengths. Below, are resources tailored to helping these types of businesses navigate these challenges, ensuring their business thrives for generations to come.

Stu Clark Webinar Series
The L. Kerry Vickar Business Law Clinic works with the Stu Clark Centre for Entrepreneurship to provide informational webinars that aid startups and small business owners. Check out past webinars here.